
Sai Sriskandarajah

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 12 months ago

Hi, I'm Sai Sriskandarajah. My background is in painting and drawing. I came to ITP to learn how to make computer-generated drawings, drawing machines, and other automated 2D art processes. However, I have an unrelated interest in graffiti, situationism, guerilla video, and other forms of subversive, under-the-radar (and often illegal) art practice. Also, I used to be a lawyer, which might have something to do with why I'm so interested in illegal art. If you're the police or the feds, I'm just kidding about the illegal part.


I've only done one phone-related project: URBAN SONAR, a personal space monitoring system that uses a Nokia N80 to log data sent via Bluetooth from a specially-designed, space-measuring jacket. You can see it in the hall between our classroom and the ER.


I also shot part of my last video project (me doing graffiti around the city) using the awesomely terrible video recording capability of my piece-o-crap Motorola L6 cell phone. I'm interested in developing a system that would allow me to shoot video clips and offload them to a server on the fly, so I can shoot more than 30 seconds of video without having to sit in front of a computer and clear my phone's memory.


You can see lots of other stuff I have done/am doing here and here.


I have, as mentioned above, a crap-tastic Motorola L6, the primary advantage of which is its size. It's on Cingular. I also have a Nokia N80 from Manhattan Story Mashup.

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